
We educate so you can LEARN the building blocks for economic transformation

Our educational programs help you
organize for the solidarity economy.

To us, popular education is:



Hands on. Involved. Good learning is a co-production between thoughtful people. Also, it’s way more fun.



You should leave with skills that you can apply now. You’ll get the high-level framework—but also the ability to just do it.



Together, we’ll imagine the better economy that we can build through these practices—and think through how.

So we've built a couple programs that embody these principles:

SEIZE Curriculum

This is a 8 week hands-on learning program that will introduce you to the solidarity economy movement—and help you find your place in it. You’ll leave with: 

A Roadmap

You’ll have a clear strategy for engagement in the local and global solidarity economy movement.

Resources & Tools

You’ll have a better understanding of the resources available, and how to use them to change the system.

A Certificate

You’ll become a member of the SEIZE network and receive a certificate in the Fundamentals of the Solidarity Economy

Meet some of the curriculm's graduates:

Pathways to Worker Power: Become a Union Organizer

Join us for an inspiring, informative, and transformative workshop designed to empower young workers to become union organizers. This training is a collaborative effort between SEIZE and the General Union (TGU), dedicated to equipping participants with the strategic knowledge and practical skills needed for effective workplace union organizing.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experienced union organizers, gain hands-on organizing experience, and build worker power. Become a catalyst for change in the labour movement.

Food and drinks will be provided! 

Date of Session: September 17th, 2024 18:00-21:00 (St Jax)

Concordia Underground Tours

You’re invited to take part in Concordia Underground Tours – a free community walking tour of the Concordia downtown campus showcasing the activist history of our university. Discover new study spaces, find cheap eats, learn radical history, and meet your fellow students! 

SEMI Program

This is a 8 week hands-on learning program that will introduce you to the solidarity economy movement—and help you find your place in it. You’ll leave with: 


As a part of the SEMI program, you will be matched with an experienced professional who will provide you with guidance to help you develop project-related skills. Once you have been matched with a mentor, you will have at least five one-on-one consultation sessions together.

Financial Support

As a participant in the SEMI program, you will receive $1,000 for  your project. This financial support is intended to allow you to focus on the development of skills related to your SSE project.


Participants accepted into the SEMI program gain the support of not only their mentor but also a network of like-minded individuals. Joining this network gives you access to events and resources that can help you along your journey.